Factors and Conditions in Texas Motor Vehicle Crashes

Below are all the factors and conditions that the Texas Department of Transportation identifies. Police officers are required to select from the following list. We’ve added a description next to each item.

  • Animal on Road – Domestic: An accident caused by a domestic animal such as a cat, dog, or livestock that wanders onto the road and interferes with traffic.
  • Animal on Road – Wild: An accident caused by a wild animal such as a deer, bear, or moose that enters the roadway and collides with a vehicle.
  • Backed without Safety: An accident caused by a driver who backs up their vehicle without checking for other vehicles, pedestrians or obstacles.
  • Changed Lane when Unsafe: An accident caused by a driver who changes lanes when it is unsafe to do so, such as when there is another vehicle in their blind spot or when they fail to signal.
  • Disabled in Traffic Lane: An accident caused by a disabled vehicle that is stopped in a traffic lane and obstructing traffic.
  • Disregard Stop and Go Signal: An accident caused by a driver who ignores or fails to stop at a stop and go signal, such as a traffic light or a railway crossing signal.
  • Disregard Stop Sign or Light: An accident caused by a driver who disregards a stop sign or traffic light.
  • Disregard Turn Marks at Intersection: An accident caused by a driver who ignores or fails to follow the turn markings at an intersection, such as turning from the wrong lane or making an illegal turn.
  • Disregard Warning Sign at Construction: An accident caused by a driver who fails to heed warning signs or safety instructions at a construction site.
  • Distraction in Vehicle: An accident caused by a driver who is distracted by an activity in the vehicle, such as texting, eating, or adjusting the radio.
  • Driver Inattention: An accident caused by a driver who is not paying attention to the road and their surroundings, for example, looking at their phone or daydreaming.
  • Drove Without Headlights: An accident caused by a driver who drives without turning on their headlights in low light conditions, such as at night or in fog.
  • Failed to Control Speed: An accident caused by a driver who fails to control their speed, such as driving too fast or too slow for the road conditions.
  • Failed to Drive in Single Lane: An accident caused by a driver who crosses over into another lane, whether intentionally or unintentionally, and collides with another vehicle or object.
  • Failed to Give Half of Roadway: An accident caused by a driver who fails to give half of the roadway to another vehicle or pedestrian, such as when passing on a narrow road.
  • Failed to Heed Warning Sign: An accident caused by a driver who fails to follow a warning sign or safety instruction.
  • Failed to Pass to Left Safely: An accident caused by a driver who attempts to pass another vehicle on the left without giving enough room or without making sure that it is safe to do so.
  • Failed to Pass to Right Safely: An accident caused by a driver who attempts to pass another vehicle on the right without giving enough room or without making sure that it is safe to do so.
  • Failed to Signal or Gave Wrong Signal: An accident caused by a driver who fails to use a turn signal or gives the wrong signal, confusing other drivers.
  • Failed to Stop at Proper Place: An accident caused by a driver who fails to stop at the proper place, such as at a stop sign or crosswalk.
  • Failed to Stop for School Bus: An accident caused by a driver who fails to stop for a school bus that has its stop sign extended and lights flashing while children are getting on or off the bus.
  • Failed to Stop for Train: An accident caused by a driver who fails to stop for a train at a railway crossing.
  • Failed to Yield ROW – Emergency Vehicle: An accident caused by a driver who fails to yield to an emergency vehicle with lights and sirens on, causing an obstruction or collision.
  • Failed to Yield ROW – Open Intersection: An accident caused by a driver who fails to yield to another vehicle when entering an open intersection, resulting in a collision.
  • Failed to Yield ROW – Private Drive: An accident caused by a driver who fails to yield to another vehicle or pedestrian on a private drive, such as a driveway or parking lot.
  • Failed to Yield ROW – Stop Sign: An accident caused by a driver who fails to yield to another vehicle or pedestrian at a stop sign, resulting in a collision.
  • Failed to Yield ROW – To Pedestrian: An accident caused by a driver who fails to yield to a pedestrian, such as at a crosswalk or intersection.
  • Failed to Yield ROW – Turning Left: An accident caused by a driver who fails to yield to another vehicle when turning left at an intersection, resulting in a collision.
  • Failed to Yield ROW – Turn on Red: An accident caused by a driver who fails to yield to another vehicle when turning right on a red light, resulting in a collision.
  • Failed to Yield ROW – Yield Sign: An accident caused by a driver who fails to yield to another vehicle or pedestrian at a yield sign, resulting in a collision.
  • Fatigued or Asleep: An accident caused by a driver who is fatigued or falls asleep while driving, causing a loss of control or collision.
  • Faulty Evasive Action: An accident caused by a driver who attempts to take evasive action to avoid a collision but fails to do so properly or in time.
  • Fire in Vehicle: An accident caused by a fire that starts in a vehicle, resulting in a loss of control or collision.
  • Fleeing or Evading Police: An accident caused by a driver who attempts to flee or evade the police, resulting in a loss of control or collision.
  • Followed Too Closely: An accident caused by a driver who follows another vehicle too closely, also known as tailgating, and collides with it.
  • Had Been Drinking: An accident caused by a driver who has been drinking and is under the influence of alcohol, resulting in impaired driving and a loss of control or collision.
  • Handicapped Driver: An accident caused by a driver with a physical or mental disability that affects their ability to drive safely.
  • Ill: An accident caused by a driver who is experiencing a medical emergency, such as a seizure or heart attack, while driving.
  • Impaired Visibility: An accident caused by impaired visibility, such as fog, heavy rain or snow, that makes it difficult to see and avoid other vehicles or obstacles.
  • Improper Start from Parked Position: An accident caused by a driver who starts their vehicle improperly from a parked position, such as by not engaging the parking brake or not shifting into gear.
  • Load Not Secured: An accident caused by a load that is not properly secured, resulting in it falling off the vehicle and obstructing traffic or causing a collision.
  • Opened Door Into Traffic Lane: An accident caused by a driver or passenger who opens a vehicle door into the traffic lane, causing an obstruction or collision.
  • Oversized Vehicle or Load: An accident caused by an oversized vehicle or load that obstructs traffic or collides with other vehicles or objects.
  • Overtake and Pass Insufficient Clearance: An accident caused by a driver who attempts to overtake and pass another vehicle without sufficient clearance, causing a collision.
  • Parked and Failed to Set Brakes: An accident caused by a parked vehicle that rolls away because the driver failed to engage the parking brake, resulting in a collision.
  • Parked in Traffic Lane: An accident caused by a parked vehicle that obstructs the traffic lane, causing other vehicles to collide with it.
  • Parked without Lights: An accident caused by a parked vehicle that does not have its lights on, making it difficult for other drivers to see it and avoid a collision.
  • Passed in No Passing Lane: An accident caused by a driver who passes another vehicle in a no passing zone, resulting in a collision.
  • Passed on Right Shoulder: An accident caused by a driver who passes another vehicle on the right shoulder, which is not intended for passing, resulting in a collision.
  • Pedestrian FTYROW to Vehicle: An accident caused by a pedestrian who fails to yield the right of way to a vehicle, resulting in a collision.
  • Unsafe Speed: An accident caused by a driver who drives at an unsafe speed for the road conditions, such as driving too fast in a residential area or on a wet or icy road.
  • Speeding – (Over Limit): An accident caused by a driver who exceeds the posted speed limit, resulting in a loss of control or collision.
  • Taking Medication: An accident caused by a driver who is taking medication that affects their ability to drive safely, such as medication that causes drowsiness or impaired coordination.
  • Turned Improperly – Cut Corner on Left: An accident caused by a driver who turns improperly, cutting the corner on the left and colliding with another vehicle or object.
  • Turned Improperly – Wide Right: An accident caused by a driver who turns improperly, taking a wide turn on the right and colliding with another vehicle or object.
  • Turned Improperly – Wrong Lane: An accident caused by a driver who turns into the wrong lane, resulting in a collision with another vehicle or object.
  • Turned when Unsafe: An accident caused by a driver who turns when it is unsafe to do so, such as turning without checking for other vehicles or pedestrians.
  • Under Influence – Alcohol: An accident caused by a driver who is under the influence of alcohol, impairing their ability to drive safely and resulting in a loss of control or collision.
  • Under Influence – Drug: An accident caused by a driver who is under the influence of drugs, impairing their ability to drive safely and resulting in a loss of control or collision.
  • Wrong Side – Approach or Intersection: An accident caused by a driver who approaches or enters an intersection from the wrong side of the road, resulting in a collision.
  • Wrong Side – Not Passing: An accident caused by a driver who drives on the wrong side of the road when not passing another vehicle, resulting in a collision.
  • Wrong Way – One Way Road: An accident caused by a driver who enters a one-way road from the wrong direction, resulting in a collision.
  • Cell/Mobile Phone Use: An accident caused by a driver who uses their cell or mobile phone while driving, distracting them and resulting in a loss of control or collision.
  • Road Rage: An accident caused by a driver who becomes aggressive or violent while driving, resulting in a collision or other traffic-related incident.
  • Other: An accident caused by a factor not listed above, which can be explained further in a narrative.