Injuries from Car Accident

Have you been injured after a car accident? Many types of injuries can occur from crashes involving automobiles, trucks, motorcycles and delivery vehicles. Whether they are minor injuries or major ones (including death), if someone else was responsible for the accident, you may be able to file a claim and recover money. Some of the specific types of injuries people suffer include:

  1. Paralysis: A condition resulting from severe damage to the spinal cord, which can cause loss of sensation and muscle function in various parts of the body.
  2. Whiplash: Neck injury due to a sudden and forceful back-and-forth movement of the neck, often resulting in neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and sometimes dizziness.
  3. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Serious injury to the brain often caused by a violent blow or jolt to the head, resulting in cognitive and physical impairments.
  4. Concussion: A type of TBI caused by a blow to the head or a violent shaking, leading to temporary loss of normal brain function.
  5. Contusions (bruises): Discoloration and tenderness of the skin caused by bleeding into the skin from damaged blood vessels.
  6. Broken ribs: Fractures in one or more of the rib bones, typically causing chest pain and difficulty breathing.
  7. Punctured lung: Also known as a collapsed lung, occurs when air leaks into the space between the lung and chest wall, causing severe chest pain and shortness of breath.
  8. Collarbone fracture: A break in the clavicle, often causing shoulder pain and difficulty lifting the arm.
  9. Pelvic fractures: Breaks in the pelvis, which can cause severe pain, leg instability, and internal organ damage.
  10. Hip dislocation: Occurs when the head of the femur is forced out of the hip socket, leading to severe hip pain and immobility.
  11. Femur fracture: A break in the thigh bone, which can cause severe pain and an inability to move or put weight on the injured leg.
  12. Tibia fracture: A break in the shin bone, often resulting in pain, swelling, and difficulty walking.
  13. Fibula fracture: A break in the smaller bone of the lower leg, often causing pain, swelling, and difficulty bearing weight.
  14. Skull fracture: A break in one or more bones in the skull, often accompanied by TBI symptoms.
  15. Facial fractures: Breaks in facial bones that can cause pain, swelling, visual impairment, and breathing difficulties.
  16. Eye injury: Any damage to the eye, which can cause vision problems, eye pain, and swelling.
  17. Torn ligament: A tear in one of the fibrous tissues that connect bones, often causing pain, swelling, and instability in the affected joint.
  18. Sprained wrist: An injury to the ligaments in the wrist, causing pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the wrist.
  19. Crushed vertebrae: Serious damage to one or more vertebrae in the spine, often causing severe back pain and potential nerve damage.
  20. Knee dislocation: The displacement of the knee joint, leading to severe pain and inability to walk.
  21. Ankle sprain: An injury to the ligaments in the ankle, causing pain, swelling, and difficulty walking.
  22. Achilles tendon injury: Damage to the large tendon at the back of the ankle, causing pain and difficulty walking.
  23. Cuts and lacerations: Skin wounds that cause bleeding and may require stitches.
  24. Internal bleeding: Bleeding inside the body, which can cause pain, shock, and organ damage.
  25. Abdominal injury: Damage to the organs within the abdomen, causing pain, swelling, and potentially serious complications.
  26. Spleen rupture: A break in the spleen often caused by blunt trauma, leading to severe pain and internal bleeding.
  27. Liver Injury: Damage to the liver, often resulting in internal bleeding and abdominal pain.
  28. Kidney Injury: Damage to one or both kidneys, causing lower back pain and potential complications related to waste removal.
  29. Chest Trauma: Any injury to the chest area, which can affect the lungs, heart, and other organs, causing pain and difficulty breathing.
  30. Foot Fracture: A break in any of the bones in the foot, leading to pain, swelling, and difficulty walking.
  31. Hand Fracture: A break in any of the bones in the hand, causing pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the fingers.
  32. Radial Fracture: A break in the radius, one of the two large bones of the forearm, often resulting in pain, swelling, and reduced wrist mobility.
  33. Ulna Fracture: A break in the ulna, one of the two large bones of the forearm, causing pain, swelling, and reduced arm mobility.
  34. Humerus Fracture: A break in the upper arm bone, causing severe pain and inability to move the affected arm.
  35. Clavicle Fracture: A break in the collarbone, causing pain, swelling, and difficulty lifting the arm.
  36. Scapula Fracture: A break in the shoulder blade, leading to severe pain and limited arm mobility.
  37. Cervical Fracture: A break in one of the seven cervical vertebrae in the neck, potentially causing pain, numbness, and paralysis.
  38. Thoracic Vertebrae Fracture: A break in one of the twelve thoracic vertebrae in the middle of the back, leading to pain and potential nerve damage.
  39. Lumbar Vertebrae Fracture: A break in one of the five lumbar vertebrae in the lower back, often causing severe back pain and potential nerve damage.
  40. Sacral Fracture: A break in the sacrum, the large triangular bone at the base of the spine, causing lower back pain and potential nerve damage.
  41. Coccyx Injury: Damage to the tailbone, often causing severe pain when sitting or standing.
  42. Shoulder Dislocation: The displacement of the upper arm bone from the shoulder socket, leading to severe pain and limited arm mobility.
  43. Rotator Cuff Tear: A tear in the group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder, causing shoulder pain and weakness.
  44. Torn Meniscus: A tear in the cartilage in the knee, causing knee pain, swelling, and instability.
  45. ACL Tear: A tear in the anterior cruciate ligament in the knee, often causing severe knee pain and instability.
  46. PCL Tear: A tear in the posterior cruciate ligament in the knee, causing knee pain, swelling, and difficulty walking.
  47. MCL Tear: A tear in the medial collateral ligament on the inner part of the knee, leading to knee pain and instability.
  48. LCL Tear: A tear in the lateral collateral ligament on the outer part of the knee, causing knee pain and instability.
  49. Burn Injury: Damage to the skin caused by heat, resulting in pain, redness, swelling, and potential scarring.
  50. Jaw Dislocation: The displacement of the jawbone from its normal position, causing jaw pain, difficulty speaking, and an inability to close the mouth properly.
  51. Temporomandibular joint injury
  52. Broken teeth
  53. Nasal fracture
  54. Lacerated tongue
  55. Seat belt injuries
  56. Puncture wounds
  57. Glass shard injury
  58. Neck strain
  59. Spinal compression
  60. Nerve damage
  61. Brain hemorrhage
  62. Hematoma
  63. Tinnitus (from loud noise or trauma)
  64. Shoulder impingement
  65. Torn hamstring
  66. Quad muscle strain
  67. Hip labral tear
  68. Traumatic cataract
  69. Hyphema (bleeding in eye)
  70. Retinal detachment
  71. Corneal abrasion
  72. Ear drum rupture
  73. Temporal bone fracture
  74. Maxillary fractures (upper jaw)
  75. Zygomatic fractures (cheekbones)
  76. Mandibular fracture (lower jaw)
  77. Orbital fracture (eye socket)
  78. Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  79. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  80. Traumatic amputation
  81. Crush injury
  82. Tendon rupture
  83. Pulmonary contusion
  84. Cerebral contusion
  85. Diffuse axonal injury
  86. Subdural hematoma
  87. Epidural hematoma
  88. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
  89. Intracerebral hemorrhage
  90. Cervical sprain
  91. Bruised kidney
  92. Bladder rupture
  93. Pancreatic trauma
  94. Cardiac contusion
  95. Ruptured aorta
  96. Thoracic outlet syndrome
  97. Distal radius fracture
  98. Scaphoid fracture
  99. Phalanx fracture
  100. Metacarpal fracture
  101. Metatarsal fracture
  102. Peri-orbital hematoma (Black eye)
  103. Orbital blowout fracture
  104. Nasal septum deviation
  105. Frontal sinus fracture
  106. Traumatic anosmia (loss of smell)
  107. Stapedius fracture (inner ear)
  108. Carotid artery dissection
  109. Vertebral artery dissection
  110. Aortic dissection
  111. Bruised lung
  112. Flail chest
  113. Rib dislocation
  114. Lacerated spleen
  115. Pericardial tamponade
  116. Commotio cordis (disruption of heart rhythm)
  117. Pulmonary embolism
  118. Deep vein thrombosis
  119. Esophageal trauma
  120. Gallbladder injury
  121. Hypovolemic shock
  122. Pneumothorax
  123. Hemothorax
  124. Hemopneumothorax
  125. Tension pneumothorax
  126. Compartment syndrome
  127. Foot drop (peroneal nerve injury)
  128. Carpal tunnel syndrome
  129. Ulnar nerve entrapment
  130. Radial nerve palsy
  131. Erb’s palsy
  132. Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  133. Cauda equina syndrome
  134. Cuboid bone fracture
  135. Calcaneus fracture
  136. Talus fracture
  137. Navicular fracture
  138. Cuneiforms fracture
  139. Metatarsal dislocation
  140. Phalanx dislocation
  141. Lisfranc injury
  142. Turf toe
  143. Morton’s neuroma
  144. Sesamoiditis
  145. Interosseous membrane injury
  146. Hamate fracture
  147. Triquetral fracture
  148. Lunate fracture
  149. Scapholunate ligament injury
  150. Triangular fibrocartilage complex injury
  151. Mallet finger
  152. Boutonnière deformity
  153. Swan neck deformity
  154. Boxer’s fracture
  155. Trimalleolar fracture
  156. Bimalleolar fracture
  157. Maisonneuve fracture
  158. Pott’s fracture
  159. Galeazzi fracture
  160. Monteggia fracture
  161. Smith’s fracture
  162. Colles’ fracture
  163. Bennett’s fracture
  164. Rolando’s fracture
  165. Hangman’s fracture
  166. Jefferson fracture
  167. Odontoid process fracture
  168. Chance fracture
  169. Clay-shoveler’s fracture
  170. Burst fracture
  171. Unstable knee (multiple ligament injuries)
  172. Post-traumatic arthritis
  173. Traumatic iritis
  174. Periorbital ecchymosis
  175. Basilar skull fracture
  176. Battle’s sign (bruising behind the ears)
  177. Raccoon eyes (bruising around the eyes)
  178. Cerebrospinal fluid leak
  179. Olfactory nerve injury
  180. Optic nerve injury
  181. Anoxic brain injury
  182. Post-concussion syndrome
  183. Second impact syndrome
  184. Traumatic tattoo (from debris embedding in skin)
  185. Depressed skull fracture
  186. Le Fort fractures (of the face)
  187. Pelvic ring fracture
  188. Acetabular fracture
  189. Femoral neck fracture
  190. Patellar fracture
  191. Tibial plateau fracture
  192. Fibular head fracture
  193. Intercondylar eminence fracture
  194. Trochlear fracture
  195. Olecranon fracture
  196. Coronoid process fracture
  197. Medial epicondyle fracture
  198. Lateral epicondyle fracture
  199. Radial head fracture
  200. Radial tuberosity fracture
  201. Ilium fracture
  202. Ischium fracture
  203. Pubis fracture
  204. Intertrochanteric fracture
  205. Subtrochanteric fracture
  206. Femoral shaft fracture
  207. Supracondylar femur fracture
  208. Medial condyle fracture of femur
  209. Lateral condyle fracture of femur
  210. Patellar dislocation
  211. Tibial spine fracture
  212. Tibial tubercle fracture
  213. Bimalleolar equivalent fracture
  214. Distal tibiofibular syndesmotic injury
  215. Pilón fracture
  216. Tillaux fracture
  217. Wagstaffe-Le Fort fracture
  218. Pilon (crushing) fracture of calcaneus
  219. Cuboid dislocation
  220. Navicular dislocation
  221. Cuneiform dislocation
  222. Plantar fasciitis (from altered gait post-accident)
  223. Hammer toe
  224. Hallux rigidus
  225. Hallux valgus
  226. Claw toe
  227. Mallet toe
  228. Chronic regional pain syndrome
  229. Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome
  230. Ulnar tunnel syndrome
  231. Guyon’s canal syndrome
  232. Pronator teres syndrome
  233. Cubital tunnel syndrome
  234. Radial tunnel syndrome
  235. Supinator syndrome
  236. Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
  237. Medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow)
  238. Olecranon bursitis
  239. De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
  240. Intersection syndrome
  241. Ulnar impaction syndrome
  242. Lunotriquetral ligament tear
  243. Gamekeeper’s thumb (ulnar collateral ligament injury)
  244. Mucous cyst of the finger
  245. Dupuytren’s contracture (possibly triggered by injury)
  246. Swan neck deformity of the finger
  247. Boutonnière deformity of the finger
  248. Jersey finger (flexor digitorum profundus avulsion)
  249. Mallet finger (extensor digitorum avulsion)
  250. Post-traumatic nail deformity
  251. Hypertrophic scar
  252. Keloid
  253. Hemopneumothorax
  254. Bronchopleural fistula
  255. Chylothorax
  256. Atelectasis
  257. Tracheobronchial injury
  258. Pneumomediastinum
  259. Diaphragmatic rupture
  260. Traumatic asphyxia
  261. Myocardial contusion
  262. Traumatic aortic rupture
  263. Traumatic ventricular septal defect
  264. Pericardial rupture
  265. Liver laceration
  266. Bile duct injury
  267. Pancreatic transection
  268. Traumatic pancreatitis
  269. Splenic rupture
  270. Gastric rupture
  271. Diaphragmatic hernia
  272. Mesenteric injury
  273. Bowel perforation
  274. Rectal injury
  275. Bladder rupture
  276. Urethral injury
  277. Renal contusion
  278. Renal laceration
  279. Adrenal injury
  280. Pelvic fracture
  281. Hip dislocation
  282. Femoral head fracture
  283. Femoral condyle fracture
  284. Shin splints (from altered gait post-accident)
  285. Posterior cruciate ligament injury
  286. Meniscus tear
  287. Ankle sprain
  288. Achilles tendon rupture
  289. Peroneal tendonitis
  290. Complex regional pain syndrome
  291. Tarsal coalition
  292. Morton’s neuroma
  293. Bunions
  294. Hammertoe
  295. Mallet toe
  296. Claw foot
  297. Flatfoot
  298. Jones fracture
  299. Dancer’s fracture
  300. Pott’s fracture


